October 3, 2023

Setting up a children's fashion store: everything you need to know

Montar una tienda de moda infantil es una oportunidad de negocio muy interesante que te puede ofrecer un gran rendimiento si lo organizas todo bien. Pero, para ello es muy importante conocer todos los detalles de este tipo de proyecto, así como analizar algunos aspectos clave que serán los que determinarán si se trata del negocio idóneo en función de lo que estés buscando. Hoy en día es una aventura y requiere de tener capital, algunos contactos y sobre todo mucha confianza en uno mismo, energía y perseverancia.

Setting up a children’s fashion store is a very interesting business opportunity that can offer you a high return if you organize everything well. But for this, it is very important to know all the details of this type of project, as well as to analyze some key aspects that will determine whether it is the ideal business depending on what you are looking for. Nowadays it is an adventure and requires having capital, some contacts, and above all, a lot of self-confidence, energy, and perseverance.

Main steps when setting up a children’s fashion store

Despite how simple the retail business model may seem – buying and selling goods or services to the end customer – the truth is that managing a business is much more complex. Therefore, instead of jumping in blindly and dealing with whatever comes, it is best to be as prepared as possible to set up a children’s fashion store with possibilities of success. Below, we show you the following steps you should follow:

Conducting market research, the main step when setting up a children’s clothing store

The first and most important thing we must do before setting up a children’s fashion store is to carry out a market study that provides us with truthful and objective information about the type of business we are going to create.

A market study must contain all the information related to the environment surrounding online children’s clothing stores, that is, from the supplier to the end customer.

To properly prepare the market study, we must resolve a series of doubts, which are as follows:

  • Identify the problem. Study all the important questions that you must solve to conduct a comprehensive investigation and that allows you to better understand the business. The goal is to know who your audience is going to be, what is the viability of the product in the market, and who your most direct competitors will be.
  • Set objectives. It is important to create a clear objective, that is, in which market you are going to move, what objectives you have for your business, or how you are going to surpass the competition.
  • Focus the study group. To set up a children’s fashion store, it is essential to analyze the group you should study, that is, not only do you have to know your potential client, but it is also important to analyze possible demographic variations, economic conditions, location, habits, preferences, and everything that helps you know where, when, and how you are going to get your clients.
  • Gather sources of information: The most interesting thing is to opt for information sources that are official or come from objective studies.

Choose a good point of sale

The place to set up a children’s fashion store needs to be strategic and must be an environment where there is a large flow of people interested in children’s fashion.

Think about the size of the establishment, which must have space for a stock area, fitting rooms, showcase, and cash registers, and be welcoming for customers. Hiring employees will depend on the size of your store.

Regarding the point of sale, analyze other aspects, such as how to promote the store or the ease of reaching the store by public transport. Shopping centers are ideal sales points, although the rental of the premises is usually much more expensive.

Decorate and organize the store

When setting up a children’s fashion store, it is necessary to have good decoration focused on the child audience. After all, that always attracts mothers and fathers who want to dress their daughters and sons well and, seeing a well-decorated and striking store, will capture their attention. Therefore, invest in good decoration, lighting, and internal ventilation.

Hiring staff, essential when setting up a children’s clothing store

Choose sellers and managers who understand the specificity of the target audience, know how to communicate with parents, and have experience dealing with the little ones in the house. It is essential to have the ability to perceive what their real needs are and understand what they are looking for.

Legalizing the business, key to setting up a children’s clothing store

Legalizing the business is a key aspect when setting up a children’s fashion store. Only if you legalize the business can you issue invoices, negotiate with suppliers, and seek investments. Want a simple way to get started? Start by researching what is the best legal structure for your business and seek the best advice to be able to do it in the most legal and speedy way possible.

You can choose a multi-brand business, where you select different brands and complementary products yourself to meet consumer needs.

Or you can also choose a franchise model; this is a business model in which the owner sells a third party the rights to exploit their brand, logo, corporate identity, and, ultimately, the business model itself.

If you want to set up a children’s fashion store and need to have the best suppliers in fashion for the little ones in the house, Asepri makes it easy for you. We have 29 years of experience and work with nationally and internationally leading brands such as Chicco, Prenatal, Marae Kids, or Babybol. We have everything your business needs in one place so that you have the best children’s fashion brands. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us.