March 3, 2024

What is childcare and what is it for?

What is childcare? Many people hear this word every day but don’t know exactly what it means. Now this doubt is over. Childcare is the branch of medicine and science dedicated to the care and attention of children during their first years of life, from birth to early childhood.

This field covers a wide range of aspects related to the health, physical, emotional and social development of children. As at Asepri, the main objective of childcare is to ensure the well-being of children, providing guidance and support to parents and caregivers.

What is childcare?

Childcare focuses on children’s physical health as well as their emotional and social well-being. Childcare experts provide advice on positive parenting, managing child stress and fostering a safe and stimulating environment for holistic development.

This includes prenatal care, monitoring of child growth and development, prevention and treatment of childhood illnesses, as well as promotion of healthy parenting practices.

During the neonatal period, child care focuses on ensuring a healthy start to life, providing special care for newborns and advising parents on breastfeeding, proper feeding and prevention of possible complications.

As children grow, childcare professionals work closely with families to address important developmental milestones such as toilet training, initiation of solid foods and early stimulation.

Childcare functions

Childcare serves to ensure the well-being and holistic development of children during their first years of life. Some of the most important functions are:

  • Prenatal care: Providing advice and care during pregnancy to ensure healthy foetal development. Educate expectant parents on the importance of nutrition, exercise and other factors affecting prenatal health.
  • Neonatal care: Provide specialised care for newborns to ensure a healthy start to life. Provide guidance on breastfeeding, postpartum care and techniques for managing common newborn care situations.
  • Growth monitoring: Conduct regular follow-ups to assess children’s physical growth and cognitive development. Identify possible developmental delays and provide early interventions to address them.
  • Prevention and treatment of childhood illnesses: Administer vaccinations and provide information on prevention of common childhood illnesses. Diagnose and treat childhood illnesses, as well as educate parents on warning signs and home care.
  • Counselling:Provide guidance to parents on healthy parenting practices, including proper feeding, positive discipline and sleep management.
  • Health promotion and accident prevention: Educate parents on the importance of a safe environment for children. Provide information on accident prevention, home safety and first aid.
  • Early stimulation: Encourage cognitive and emotional development through early stimulation activities. Provide strategies to strengthen parent-child bonding.

These integral functions of childcare seek to ensure that children grow up in a healthy environment, receiving adequate care for their physical, emotional and social development.

Brands committed to childcare

Childcare brands play an essential role in providing products and services designed to meet the specific needs of children and their carers. Products which are completely safe and which feature a high level of innovation. To this end, Asepri highlights two of them: MS Innovations and Mimaar.

MS Innovations

MS Innovations has been dedicated to the childcare sector for more than 30 years. What concerns them most is the safety of the little ones, which is why each product strictly complies with all quality and safety standards.

With a presence in more than 2,000 specialist shops across Europe, the aim is to continue to expand the brand’s reach so that more families can enjoy quality, designer products for their baby at an excellent price.


At Mimaar they specialise in their Enrollagateo, which accompanies babies in their first moments. A place on which to experience those first moments that will remain engraved in the memory forever.

Thanks to its crawling mat, the Enrollagateo is the base and they have designed evolutionary accessories that can be attached at any time, thus transforming the Enrollagateo and adapting it to each stage of your little one.

In this way, Asepri is committed to the health of the little ones and to helping their families. Contact us without obligation! We will provide you with all the information you need to give the best to your baby We look forward to seeing you!